Running Services
Ok, I just recently started running and have gotten to the point where I can run the easier runs perfectly every time. I still can't do the high level ones such as beacons to droks, or citadel, or grotto or runs like that, but I can manage yaks/beacons/LA.
I am running:
Ascalon->Yaks 1k
Pay for this run 500 at piken, 250 at courthouse, 250 at area right before yaks
Ascalon->Beacons 2k
Pay for this run 500 at piken, 250 at courthouse, 250 at area before yaks, 500 at ice cave, 500 at area right before beacons
Ascalon->Lion's Arch 5k
Pay for this run 500 at piken, 250 at courthouse, 250 at area before yaks, 500 at ice cave, 500 at area right before beacons, 1k at Griffon's Mouth, 1k at Kryta, and then 1k at north kryta province.
I will also run any combination of these such as ice cave to LA or yaks to beacons and what not, prices will be adjusted accordingly. If you want a run like this then contact me ingame and I will work out a price for you
You can reach me ingame at Lanileb Oakenshield